Wednesday 2 November 2016

Reason Why Pope Francis said women will never be Roman Catholic priests

Posted By: Admin - 23:50


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Kristina Rake ordination as a catholic priest in sept was denounced by the Vatican
Pope Francis has ruled out a woman ever serving as a priest in the Roman Catholic church.

He stated this when he was asked by a Swedish journalist during a press conference onboard the papal plane.He said
�Saint Pope John Paul II had the last clear word on this and it stands, this stands,� Francis said in his initial response, referring to a 1994 document stating that women could never join the priesthood.
�But for ever, for ever? Never, never?� the reporter asked

Francis replied:
�If we read carefully the declaration by St John Paul II, it is going in that direction.�
According to The Guardian, the pope went on to say women did �many other things better than men�, emphasising what has been called the �feminine dimension of the church�.
�People ask me: �Who is more important in the theology or in the spirituality of the church, the apostles or Mary, on the day of Pentecost?� It is Mary,� he said. He then added: �More.�

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